The Basket

Meticulously crafted basket of seven cryptocurrencies which are utilized in numerous trusted Staking & DeFi platforms to strengthen the buy-back & burn process.
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The Basket total value2,170,444$

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Token BSKT


Can I buy BSKT tokens?

Yes, BasketCoin token is now available to trade on PancakeSwap, you can find token via the contract address - 0x4dd1984a706e1c2c227bea67ad2f92dbde30afce

You can also use the direct link to BSKT/BUSD pair:

Will the maximum supply of BSKT in circulation ever change?

No, the maximum amount of BSKT in circulation will never be increased and new BSKT tokens will not appear on the market.

What is the starting and ending amount of BSKT in circulation?

The initial supply is 21 million (21,000,000) BSKT. The final supply will be 2.1 million (2,100,000) BSKT tokens.